U.V.C.O. Uganda e.V. - Zukunft für Straßenkinder und Waisen in Masakainfo@uvco.de
Zukunft für Straßenkinder und Waisen in Masaka/Uganda
Our children from 2010 until today
Ritah was estimated to be around 13 years old in 2013.
At the moment, Ritah is not feeling very well, she has a stomach ache three out of seven days a week. She urgently needs glasses as Ritah is nearsighted. She goes to Buloba Royal College, where she feels very comfortable. The teachers explain everything very well to her which was different at her previous school. Her favorite subjects are biology, chemistry, math, physics and the Christian religion. She would like to become a doctor one day, with all her dedication and love, because there are not enough doctors in Uganda, she says. One day she would like to have a family and take in street children. Her plan B is a life as a musician, at the IMLS she takes lessons in singing and dancing. We wish you all the best. We thank your sponsors from the bottom of our hearts for their great help!
In September 2018, the „Kletterwald Sinzing“ team sponsored the medical examination, medical treatment and purchase of the glasses that Ritah needed. Thank you very much for your great help!!!
These photos should show how splendidly our wonderful children have developed thanks to the sponsorships, the excellent care, the sufficient nutrition, the encouragement of talent and the feeling of security:
In 2013, he was brought to U.V.C.O. by an unknown person, he was abandoned. Nobody knew the child’s name, nobody knew how old the little one was, he couldn’t answer the questions because he couldn’t speak a single word at the time. He looked completely emaciated and was very closed off. During our visit in 2013, he didn’t want to let go of Angelina. He used every opportunity to be with her and let her carry him: he was estimated to be about 2 years old at the time. Today …
… Joseph is an open-minded, friendly, trusting boy with the best school results in his class, who even overtakes the big boys when playing football and: he is also very musical! He was lucky that his sponsor Angelina visited him in 2018. Thank you, dear Angie, for your great help!!!
Information about Muwongwe Robert can be found under „Uplift – young people who have successfully completed school“
Maria Nakamatte is 14 years old and attends the St. Martin School. She is very happy because she gets good lessons there and the teachers are friendly to her. During the holidays, she lives in the children’s home in Nyendo, where she spent her childhood with the other orphans and street children. Her favorite subjects are: physics, chemistry and math. Her dream job is to be a general practitioner. Maria would like to build a hospital one day and treat street children and orphans free of charge. She would like to study at the university in Kampala. If she can’t become a doctor, her plan B would be to become a lawyer.
Thanks to her sponsor family, Maria was able to go to school and learn. Thank you very much for taking Maria’s call for help seriously and for trusting the care team in Masaka. Thank you very much for your many years of support, dear Ringshandls.
In 2010, Maria was only about 6 years old. She lost her parents to AIDS. Today, Maria is a very intelligent, quiet young woman who is at peace with herself and has very deep thoughts. She is one of the orphans who has big plans in Uganda and she is ideally placed to achieve her goals. Dear Maria, we hope that you will find sponsors who will finance your studies and who believe in you and your abilities. And we wish your home country Uganda that you can treat and heal the many poor orphans and street children there.
Ntale Andrew would like to become a civil engineer one day. He would like to live and work in Uganda. The 15-year-old is currently in the 9th grade at Buloba Royal College, where he feels very comfortable. His favorite subjects are physics, math and chemistry. He loves listening to music and playing volleyball. His favorite country? Germany. His idol? Steffi. At this point, we would like to thank his sponsor from the bottom of our hearts for the valuable financial support. Dear Andrew, just like all your other Uplift friends, we will do our best to help you pursue your dream job after you graduate.
Andrew is one of those young people who like to write letters, which of course makes his sponsor very happy.
…Winnie in 2013…
…her first call for help in 2010 and…
…Winnie in August 2018 in Masaka! She told us that her life is not bad. Winnie would like to become a lawyer one day and she would like to study in Kampala. When we asked why she wants to become a lawyer, she replied that there are few lawyers in Uganda and these few are corrupt and do not work in the way that is required of them. Plan B is to become a TV reporter and journalist. When Winnie is free, she practices singing. Winnie loves to sing in the school choir. Her two singer role models are called Rihanna and Rema. We wish you all the best and thank Winnie’s sponsor Nadja Schmausser for her financial support.
Here you can see lovely Passy at U.V.C.O. in 2010
2013: Thanks to the financial support of her sponsor Renate Zollbrecht…
[caption id="attachment_1393" align="alignnone" width="600"] …ten-year-old Passy is already in the 5th grade today. Thank you very much, dear Mrs. Zollbrecht.
Passy in August 2018 in front of her schoolhouse in Kirowooza, Masaka. She is a really great girl!!!
Nansubuga Winnie joined U.V.C.O. in 2010 after losing her parents to AIDS. Her uncle, with whom she was forced to live afterwards, wanted to force her to marry a man in order to get out of his own poverty. But Winnie chose to run away from this terrible situation. Life on the street was still better for her than being married to a man she didn’t love. She found protection at U.V.C.O., dear people who meant well by her, were there for her.
Winnie found a sponsor who paid her school fees. Just fantastic!!!
Today, the 22-year-old is studying accounting, and her final exam will take place on November 22nd, 2018. Margaret Namatovu got her a job as a secretary, where she earns around €34 a month. It’s not much, but it’s something, she says. The fees for her exam cost the equivalent of around €205. She worries if she will have the money together by then. On 11/20 is the last possibility to pay the examination fees, otherwise she will not be admitted to the examination.
The „Kletterwald Sinzing“ team pays Winnie’s exam fees! You are great!!!! Thanks very much!!!!
Maxensia was already an orphan at the age of eight.
The support of Diana Funk and Charlotte Saul as well as the great mentoring of the U.V.C.O. team in Masaka made Maxy a happy girl.
Namuleme Maxy is now 15 years old and likes her life. She has great hope that her life will turn out the way she wants because she gets paid for her school fees and hopes that this will continue in her studies. She attends Buloba Royal College and she loves going there. The director is very friendly, the food is good, the teachers treat them with respect. Maxy would like to become a surgeon one day because she has seen several people die. She said that many mistakes are made when operating in Uganda. She, on the other hand, would like to be able to operate correctly one day so that people can recover and go back to their normal lives. Living in Uganda is not easy. She would like to live in the USA one day, that’s her dream country, the people there are more organized, everything there is more modern. She would like to study surgery there after she graduates. But if she is needed in Uganda, she goes back, she said. There is no alternative training path for her, her goal is very clear. Maxy’s favorite subjects are: biology, chemistry, physics, math and ICT.
Our children from 2010 until today
Ritah was estimated to be around 13 years old in 2013.
At the moment, Ritah is not feeling very well, she has a stomach ache three out of seven days a week. She urgently needs glasses as Ritah is nearsighted. She goes to Buloba Royal College, where she feels very comfortable. The teachers explain everything very well to her which was different at her previous school. Her favorite subjects are biology, chemistry, math, physics and the Christian religion. She would like to become a doctor one day, with all her dedication and love, because there are not enough doctors in Uganda, she says. One day she would like to have a family and take in street children. Her plan B is a life as a musician, at the IMLS she takes lessons in singing and dancing. We wish you all the best. We thank your sponsors from the bottom of our hearts for their great help!
In September 2018, the „Kletterwald Sinzing“ team sponsored the medical examination, medical treatment and purchase of the glasses that Ritah needed. Thank you very much for your great help!!!
Kletterwald Sinzing see sponsors too
These photos should show how splendidly our wonderful children have developed thanks to the sponsorships, the excellent care, the sufficient nutrition, the encouragement of talent and the feeling of security:
In 2013, he was brought to U.V.C.O. by an unknown person, he was abandoned. Nobody knew the child’s name, nobody knew how old the little one was, he couldn’t answer the questions because he couldn’t speak a single word at the time. He looked completely emaciated and was very closed off. During our visit in 2013, he didn’t want to let go of Angelina. He used every opportunity to be with her and let her carry him: he was estimated to be about 2 years old at the time. Today …
… Joseph is an open-minded, friendly, trusting boy with the best school results in his class, who even overtakes the big boys when playing football and: he is also very musical! He was lucky that his sponsor Angelina visited him in 2018. Thank you, dear Angie, for your great help!!!
Information about Muwongwe Robert can be found under „Uplift – young people who have successfully completed school“
Maria Nakamatte is 14 years old and attends the St. Martin School. She is very happy because she gets good lessons there and the teachers are friendly to her. During the holidays, she lives in the children’s home in Nyendo, where she spent her childhood with the other orphans and street children. Her favorite subjects are: physics, chemistry and math. Her dream job is to be a general practitioner. Maria would like to build a hospital one day and treat street children and orphans free of charge. She would like to study at the university in Kampala. If she can’t become a doctor, her plan B would be to become a lawyer.

Thanks to her sponsor family, Maria was able to go to school and learn. Thank you very much for taking Maria’s call for help seriously and for trusting the care team in Masaka. Thank you very much for your many years of support, dear Ringshandls.
Ntale Andrew would like to become a civil engineer one day. He would like to live and work in Uganda. The 15-year-old is currently in the 9th grade at Buloba Royal College, where he feels very comfortable. His favorite subjects are physics, math and chemistry. He loves listening to music and playing volleyball. His favorite country? Germany. His idol? Steffi. At this point, we would like to thank his sponsor from the bottom of our hearts for the valuable financial support. Dear Andrew, just like all your other Uplift friends, we will do our best to help you pursue your dream job after you graduate.
…Winnie in 2013…
…her first call for help in 2010 and…
…Winnie in August 2018 in Masaka! She told us that her life is not bad. Winnie would like to become a lawyer one day and she would like to study in Kampala. When we asked why she wants to become a lawyer, she replied that there are few lawyers in Uganda and these few are corrupt and do not work in the way that is required of them. Plan B is to become a TV reporter and journalist. When Winnie is free, she practices singing. Winnie loves to sing in the school choir. Her two singer role models are called Rihanna and Rema. We wish you all the best and thank Winnie’s sponsor Nadja Schmausser for her financial support.
Here you can see lovely Passy at U.V.C.O. in 2010
[caption id="attachment_1393" align="alignnone" width="600"]
…ten-year-old Passy is already in the 5th grade today. Thank you very much, dear Mrs. Zollbrecht.
Nansubuga Winnie joined U.V.C.O. in 2010 after losing her parents to AIDS. Her uncle, with whom she was forced to live afterwards, wanted to force her to marry a man in order to get out of his own poverty. But Winnie chose to run away from this terrible situation. Life on the street was still better for her than being married to a man she didn’t love. She found protection at U.V.C.O., dear people who meant well by her, were there for her.
Winnie found a sponsor who paid her school fees. Just fantastic!!!
Today, the 22-year-old is studying accounting, and her final exam will take place on November 22nd, 2018. Margaret Namatovu got her a job as a secretary, where she earns around €34 a month. It’s not much, but it’s something, she says. The fees for her exam cost the equivalent of around €205. She worries if she will have the money together by then. On 11/20 is the last possibility to pay the examination fees, otherwise she will not be admitted to the examination.
The „Kletterwald Sinzing“ team pays Winnie’s exam fees! You are great!!!! Thanks very much!!!!
Maxensia was already an orphan at the age of eight.
The support of Diana Funk and Charlotte Saul as well as the great mentoring of the U.V.C.O. team in Masaka made Maxy a happy girl.
Namuleme Maxy is now 15 years old and likes her life. She has great hope that her life will turn out the way she wants because she gets paid for her school fees and hopes that this will continue in her studies. She attends Buloba Royal College and she loves going there. The director is very friendly, the food is good, the teachers treat them with respect. Maxy would like to become a surgeon one day because she has seen several people die. She said that many mistakes are made when operating in Uganda. She, on the other hand, would like to be able to operate correctly one day so that people can recover and go back to their normal lives. Living in Uganda is not easy. She would like to live in the USA one day, that’s her dream country, the people there are more organized, everything there is more modern. She would like to study surgery there after she graduates. But if she is needed in Uganda, she goes back, she said. There is no alternative training path for her, her goal is very clear. Maxy’s favorite subjects are: biology, chemistry, physics, math and ICT.
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